Runge-Kutta MIMO NARMA-L2 Controller




Adaptive Controller, NARMA-L2 Controller, Runge-Kutta Identification, Runge-Kutta NARMA-L2 Controller


This paper introduces a novel control architecture which combines NARMA-L2 control method with Runge Kutta based system modeling. Control law is developed employing NARMA-L2 model via Taylor expansion. Jacobian information required for the controller is constituted by making use of RK model of plant to be controlled. To evaluate performance, simulations are carried out on the Three Tank System. Acquired results illustrate thatintroduced controller has substantially good performance on MIMO nonlinear systems.


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How to Cite

Uçak, K. (2021). Runge-Kutta MIMO NARMA-L2 Controller. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 9(2), 38–47.



Research Article