Specification of the Clang Changing-Status System by the Sonant Blasting of Matter in the Blustery Sensing Techniques: Correlation with Circle-background Dot Imagery


  • Jeong-lae Kim Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eulji University, Seongnam, Korea
  • Moon-sam Shin Department of Senior Health Care, Beauty and Cosmetic Science, Eulji University, Seongnam, Korea


Fulgurate sensing rate, Sonant sensing imagery, Clang sensing system, Clang blasting


Sonant changing-status is organized technical the blasting status on circle-background dot pattern of fulgurate sensing rate (FSR) and space sensing rate (SSR) on the sonant sensing imagery. Sensing rate condition by the sonant sensing imagery is organized with the clang blasting system. Creating a circle-background dot of blustery changing-status, we are organized of sonant value at  sonant layer situation by the clang-down structure. Concept of sensing rate is figure out refer fulgurate rate and space rate for changing-status signal by the sonant blasting imagery. Moreover to served a blustery changing-status of the FSR-SSR of the maximum in terms of the sonant-blasting imagery, and sonant situation blasting that is found the a sonant value changing-status of the Son-si-FA-ξMAX with 16.54±2.47 units, that was the a sonant value changing-status of the Son-si-CO-ξMAX with 7.21±0.71 units, that was the a sonant value changing-status of the I-FL-ξMAX with 2.51±0.48 units, that was the a sonant value changing-status of the Son-si-VI-ξMAX with 0.46±0.05 units. Clang blasting is check up at the ability of the sonant-blasting imagery for the restrain degree sensing rate for FSR-SSR.  Stick-out the blustery fulgurate and space imagery by the sensing rate system. So check up of imagery signal and to counter a sonant data of clang-blasting sensing system.


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Fulgurate and spacefunctionsof circle-background dot blasting location on the matter




How to Cite

Kim, J.- lae ., & Shin, M.- sam . (2022). Specification of the Clang Changing-Status System by the Sonant Blasting of Matter in the Blustery Sensing Techniques: Correlation with Circle-background Dot Imagery . International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 10(1s), 136 –. Retrieved from https://www.ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/2248



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