Comprehensive Review and Analysis on Mobile Cloud Computing and Users Offloading using Improved Optimization Approach for Edge Computing
Mobile Computing, Security, Architecture, Distributed data, Parallel processing, Peer ProcessingAbstract
This paper gives a depth overview about the technology mobile computing. It has been discussed here how these days cloud computing has reached into mobile and has helped us to reduce the battery and storage related issues in mobiles. Apart from smart phones mobile computing has affected other areas such as homes, offices, supermarts etc. Mobile cloud computing is fast and flexible. As a result, mobile cloud computing makes it easy for developers to create and share mobile app resources with end-users. Therefore, mobile applications can be built and updated faster .Mobile cloud computing shares resources. Mobile apps that run off the cloud aren’t constrained by any mobile device’s processing and storage limitations. All data-intensive processes can run from the cloud. This advantage means that any mobile device with access to a network can use mobile cloud apps, regardless of the operating system. Thus, users can enjoy cloud computing with Android or OS device. Sometimes fault tolerance is an issue relating to mobile cloud computing so to provide the high services without any noise interconnected high speed networks are provided . Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is an emerging technology that helps us in removing the shortcomings associated with the mobile computing. There is no need to download all the software that are required by the user as MCC makes it readily available. With the help of distributed data storage methods and parallel processing the process is enhanced giving a great experience to the user. In this both the data storage and processing happens outside the device. In this era mobile computing has become a trend in IT.[Kori,,2019]. The users can obtain the maximum benefit of mobile technology when it is combined with the cloud technology. Mobile cloud computing also provides access to the people who are residing in the rural areas the various mobile services such as navigation, entertainment, commerce, storage and so on. Mobile cloud computing uses integrated data. Mobile cloud computing lets users securely and quickly collect and integrate information from many sources, no matter where the data is. The architecture of mobile computer with its benefits is presented in this paper.
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