An Overview on the Investigation of Power Quality Problems and Harmonic Exclusion in the Power System using Frequency Estimation Techniques
Power Quality, Harmonic Exclusion, Power System, Frequency Estimation Technique, Discrete Fourier TransformAbstract
The present research paper is based on a survey on the Investigation of Power Quality Problems and Harmonic Exclusion in the Power System using the Frequency Estimation Technique.The majority of FD approaches are open-loop, and they are based on Fourier series analysis in most cases. When applied to frequency domain approaches, Fourier series analysis is a powerful mathematical tool that allows users to acquire a wide range of frequency components by multiplying the input by a set of trigonometric functions (sine/cosine) at various frequencies. Typically, the discrete implementation of the Fourier series, also known as the Discrete Fourier Transform , is used to compute results. DFT can be done quickly and simply using computer technology, and it can be used to estimate the grid signal parameters with improved selectivity and greater steady-state accuracy than other methods. The A/D conversion process of the input signals is required for the real-time implementation of the DFT, which necessitates the repeated sampling and updating of the input signals. However, in order to compute the N samples, this approach necessitates the use of N2 complex multiplication and N2–N complex addition. As a result, it was not extensively used prior to the introduction of the microprocessor.
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