Resource Optimization using the Taguchi Technique for Channel Allocation


  • Radhika Purandare Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra
  • Archana Ratnaparkhi Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra
  • Arti Bang Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra


ANOVA, PDR, QoS, QoE, channel, allocation


Configuration settings that use physical as well as medium access control layers are increasing to enhance system performance. A channel is a medium for communication between nodes in a network. The uncertainty in environmental conditions affects the Quality-of-Service (QoS) performance of the network. It hinders the speed, coverage as well as reliability of transmission. Hence there is a need to enhance QoS as well as the Quality of Experience for users.  In this paper, an algorithm is proposed for channel allocation. It correlates signal-to-noise ratio with throughput and packet-dropping ratio. The simulation result shows an enhancement of throughput is 40 %. Further, the packet drop ratio was reduced by 8.18 %. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated with a network simulator tool. 


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Comparison of Throughput and Packet Drop Ratio against Simulation Time




How to Cite

Purandare, R. ., Ratnaparkhi, A. ., & Bang, A. . (2023). Resource Optimization using the Taguchi Technique for Channel Allocation . International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 11(3s), 93–99. Retrieved from



Research Article