A Systematic Review of Ill-Defined Problems in the Intelligent Tutoring Systems in Virtual Learning Environments
3D Virtual Learning Environments, Ill-defined Domains, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Systematic Literature ReviewAbstract
Currently, defining the problems of intelligent tutoring systems in virtual learning environments has become a complex activity because of the misidentification of the problems as well as the correct planning for the use of this technology where the student is independent of the tutors, with this it is intended that students learn from the same classes regardless of the method they take for learning. This is how, thanks to the advance of information and communication technologies, several tools have emerged to help in education; one of them is called intelligent tutor systems, which are oriented to develop attractive environments for the stu-dent, integrating computer instruction and artificial intelligence. This article provides a systematic review of the ill-defined domains in intelligent tutoring systems in virtual learning environments.
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