Structured Cabling Development in 3D Virtual Learning Environment en OpenSim


  • Fredy Gavilanes-Sagnay, Edison Loza-Aguirre, Byron Ernesto Vaca Barahona


Virtual Learning Environments, Educational Platform, Virtual Worlds, OpenSim Platform, Learning Analytics


Virtual Learning Environments in 3 Dimensions can be considered a valuable tool in Education, especially in this context of Virtual Education due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, which is why after determining some problems related to this type of platform. That is why the present investigation has been guided under the Design Science Research Methodology, where the investigation has to go through the 6 phases iteratively: Identification of the problem, Design, Development, Demonstration, Evaluation, and Communication of the results. , that is why the present platform developed in OpenSim has been used for the construction of the present virtual world. The results have been evaluated using the Technologies Acceptance Model methodology. Finally, it can be determined that the results indicate that this type of platform can be considered by students as a useful tool and also that there is no greater resistance to its use due to its ease of use.


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Author Biography

Fredy Gavilanes-Sagnay, Edison Loza-Aguirre, Byron Ernesto Vaca Barahona

Fredy Gavilanes-Sagnay1, Edison Loza-Aguirre2, Byron Ernesto Vaca Barahona3

1Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Departamento en Informática y Ciencias de la Computación, Ladrón de Guevara, E11-253, P.O. Box 17-01-2759, Quito, Ecuador

2Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Departamento en Informática y Ciencias de la Computación, Ladrón de Guevara, E11-253, P.O. Box 17-01-2759, Quito, Ecuador

3Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Facultad de Informática y Electrónica Panamericana Sur Km 1 1/2

Riobamba, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Fredy Gavilanes-Sagnay, Edison Loza-Aguirre, Byron Ernesto Vaca Barahona. (2023). Structured Cabling Development in 3D Virtual Learning Environment en OpenSim. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 11(5s), 238 –. Retrieved from