Voltage Regulation Using Artificial Neural Network Controller for Electric Spring in Hybrid Power System


  • Atul Ikhe, Yogesh Pahariya


smart grid, artificial neural network, renewable energy sources, electric spring, power stability


A new smart grid device, the electric spring (ES), was previously used to ensure power and voltage stability in a poorly stand-alone/regulated renewable energy source powered (RES) system. The variable energy generation caused by changes in the environmental condition of RES in the network produces power quality issues and other technical difficulties. A demand-side management strategy has been proposed that involves controlling voltage and power and also installation of the ES using non-critical loads (NCL) and implementation of an artificial neural network (ANN) controller is discussed in this paper. The ANN controller results are compared with conventional controller in the MATLAB Simulink software. This control method would be capable of providing voltage support and power balancing for the critical loads (CL), such as the security system. The improved control system provides novel potential for the ES to be used to a greater extent by ensuring power and voltage stability and enhancing power quality within micro - grid powered by renewable energy.


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Author Biography

Atul Ikhe, Yogesh Pahariya

Atul Ikhe[1], Yogesh Pahariya2

Research Scholar                                                                               

Department of Electrical Engineering                                                      

Sandip University, Nashik, India                                                


Department of Electrical Engineering

Sandip University, Nashik

1atulikhe1@gmail.com, 2yogesh.pahariya@sandipuniversity.edu.in


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Schematic of Three Phase Electric Spring




How to Cite

Atul Ikhe, Yogesh Pahariya. (2023). Voltage Regulation Using Artificial Neural Network Controller for Electric Spring in Hybrid Power System . International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 11(5s), 280–286. Retrieved from https://www.ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/2776