Prediction Model for Streaming Platform User Recommendation System Based on Collaborative Learning


  • Nikita Jain Nahar, Deepak Sukheja, L. K. Vishwamitra


Recommendation System, Collaborative Learning, Deep Learning, User Profile, Content Streaming


The rise of content overload on the internet has brought us a new issue for both consumers and service providers. To reduce the quantity of material shown, such as movies, music, or other items, Netflix and Amazon utilise recommender algorithms and user profiling, which try to direct the user through the available information. These technologies amass information about the user in order to provide customised experiences. The majority of current recommender systems use a content-focused approach, yet they often miss the nature of consumers' demands. This paper presents a hybrid approach to improving user profiling of content streaming platforms in order to improve user experience. In this paper, user experience was improved by hybridising the model with a similarity score and by hybridising the collaborative learning of the CNN model with latent based matrix factorization. The result was evaluated based on different latent sizes and also validated using 10-fold cross-validation. The result shows its superiority with respect to existing state-of-the-art models.


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Author Biography

Nikita Jain Nahar, Deepak Sukheja, L. K. Vishwamitra

1Nikita Jain Nahar, 2Deepak Sukheja. 3L. K Vishwamitra

1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Oriental University, Indore, India.

2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India.

3Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Oriental University, Indore, India.



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Basic Flowchart of a Recommender




How to Cite

Nikita Jain Nahar, Deepak Sukheja, L. K. Vishwamitra. (2023). Prediction Model for Streaming Platform User Recommendation System Based on Collaborative Learning. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 11(5s), 287–299. Retrieved from