Deep Learning-Based Classification of Histopathology Images for Cancer Diagnosis


  • Shatakshi Lall Asst. Professor, School of Pharmacy Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun Uttarakhand 248002
  • Anand Gudur Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth “Deemed To Be University” Karad Malkapur, Karad (Dist. Satara), Maharashtra, India. PIN – 415539
  • Ankur Jethlia Assistant Professor Department of Maxillofacial surgery and Diagnostic sciences Diagnostic Division College of Dentistry Jazan University Jazan,Saudi Arabia
  • Versha Prasad Assistant Professor School of Health Sciences C.S. J. M. University Kanpur


Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), convolutional-neural network (CNN), Kaggle database


In this study, we apply deep learning techniques to create a complete CAD system for accurate and efficient IDC/non-IDC categorization. This CAD system has two distinct classification methods: machine learning-based classification using a variety of classifiers and deep learning-based classification using a specially constructed convolutional-neural network (CNN). Kaggle, a publicly accessible benchmark database, is used to accomplish this study. Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, false positive rate, classification error, and precision are only few of the performance metrics used to assess machine learning and deep learning classifiers. Accuracy and sensitivity are selected as the primary characteristics by which the best classifier is evaluated. The purpose of this new saliency detection method is to aid in the diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) by using IDC histopathology pictures to train deep learning algorithms.


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Breast Cancer at Different Stages:(a) Normal-Breast, (b) Breast Hyper-plasia, (c) Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ, (d) Invasive -Ductal Carcinoma, (e) Metastatic Disease




How to Cite

Lall, S. ., Gudur, A. ., Jethlia, A. ., & Prasad , V. . (2023). Deep Learning-Based Classification of Histopathology Images for Cancer Diagnosis. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 11(7s), 97–104. Retrieved from

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