Comparative Performance Analysis and Evaluation of Novel Techniques in Reliability for Internet of Things with RSM
IoT, RSM, Reliability of Internet of Things, J48, SVM-RBFAbstract
Future smart cities are predicted to benefit significantly from the Internet of Things (IoT) in terms of sustainable development. The variety of connected things and the unreliability of related services are only two of the major problems this paper discusses that may hinder IoT from fulfilling this essential function. An intellectual management structure for IoT is proposed for solving these problems. In this framework, constantly shifting real-world objects are depicted within a virtual environment, as well as cognition, as well as closeness, are used to automatically and intelligently choose the objects that are most pertinent to a given application. Novel Analysis of different techniques of Reliability of the Internet of Things using RSM has been designed through design expert software with different parameters are runs over 13-fold cross-validation gives results of accuracy of more than 97 percent, desirability is 1.00 as compared to the J48 algorithm and SVM-RBF.
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