Breast Cancer Image Analysis and Classification Framework by Applying Machine Learning Techniques
Breast cancer, Machine Learning, Prediction, Wisconsin DiagnosisAbstract
Breast cancer is the most well-known kind of malignant growth among Indian ladies. One out of every two Indian ladies determined to have been diagnosed with breast cancer dies, bringing about a half opportunity of death. It is one of the essential research topics since many women died due to a lack of awareness. It could be better to detect it early to save many women's lives. The motivation behind this work is to look at broadly involved AI techniques for breast cancer prediction. The Wisconsin Diagnosis Breast Cancer informational index is utilized to carry out the paper and to analyse the exhibition of a few AI approaches regarding exactness. The results are severe and can be utilized for both discovery and treatment. If we can find the cancer at its early stages, we have developed a cure for it and study the patterns of the disease to find the genetics it produces. We can reduce the usage of various diagnostic tests by collecting blood samples and scanning for cells by machine learning techniques.
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