Role of Robotic Process Automation and Navigation System in Transport Sector


  • Ranu Pareek, Sofia Khan, R. K. Tailor, Mona Kumari, Karan Ashok Jalwani


Robotic Process Automation, Tracking, Navigation, Transport, System, Global Positioning System(GPS).


Robotic process automation in transportation can lead to a setting that allows for semi- or completely autonomous navigation. In semi-autonomous mode, the system accepts conventional motion instructions through voice activation or a standard joystick interface and provides robotic movements with obstacle and collision avoidance features. While the fully autonomous mode trials are highly encouraging, the sparsest or semi-automation navigation option is the sparsest or semi-automation navigation mode. Financial savings, higher quality, and better customer experience are just a few of the advantages of robotic process automation (RPA). RPA is a technical application that uses business logic and structured input to automate business tasks. Using RPA technology, a company may develop software, or a "robot," to record and understand applications for processing a transaction, modifying data, triggering responses, and integrating with other digital systems. Businesses may utilize RPA to automate mundane rules-based business procedures, freeing up business users’ time to focus on customer service or other higher-value duties. It is crucial to the advancement of public transport. However, the company is currently experiencing major difficulties. The primary goals of this research are to assess the operational and financial performance, as well as the function of robotic navigation systems in the transportation industry. This research uses both primary and secondary data. It contains interviews with different metrics for data analysis that include operational and financial characteristics such as fleet, collection, and passengers, among others. A navigation system is a two-way communication system, similar to a digital telephone, that connects with a central service center to ascertain the user’s actual location and navigational information. Ideally, a human-to-human information interface is provided. Some of the components can be stored at a remote and fixed base station due to the usage of a two-way communication system.


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How to Cite

Ranu Pareek. (2024). Role of Robotic Process Automation and Navigation System in Transport Sector. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(4), 985 –. Retrieved from



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