Designing A Novel Covert Communication Medium for Secure Information Exchange


  • Sridhar Iyer, Narendra Shekokar, Sharvari Patil


Covert communication, Secure information exchange, Encryption, Generative Adversarial Networks, Artificial intelligence, adversarial cryptography


With the escalating concerns surrounding information security in today’s digital landscape, the demand for covert communication channels that facilitate secure information exchange has witnessed an exponential surge. This research endeavors to design and implement a novel covert communication medium to address the challenges inherent in clandestine information transfer. The proposed medium harnesses a new age intelligent encryption technique to ensure not only the confidentiality but also the stealthiness of communication. The study commences with a comprehensive analysis and development of a concept that seamlessly integrates state-of-the-art encryption algorithms along with ways to make the communication covert. The primary objective is to strike a delicate balance between data security and the covert nature of communication, enabling information to be exchanged undetected within various digital environments. The proposed system explores the potential of leveraging neural networks and deep learning principles to encrypt data traversing insecure communication mediums. The research findings contribute significantly to the advancement of covert communication technologies, offering a robust solution for secure information exchange in environments where traditional encryption methods may prove insufficient or where a more covert approach to encryption is necessitated. The research finding also does benchmarking tests to show the amount of efforts required to break into an intelligent cryptographic algorithm to obtain the keys in totality. The implementation is evaluated on the basis of the accuracy with with the same plaintext is generated and also its ability to withstand various attacks.


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How to Cite

Sridhar Iyer. (2024). Designing A Novel Covert Communication Medium for Secure Information Exchange. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(23s), 311 –. Retrieved from



Research Article